I think car kits are probably the easiest place to start with actually putting components together into an organized unit. So that's where we start!! By this point, if you haven't identified your concerns, objectives, and goals... I'm not quite sure why you're still here and/or haven't been asking questions. When you consider what to put in your car kit, you have to identify these things. There are the standards that apply to all survival scenarios; water, fire, shelter, food.... My goals have always been to give you options and let you pick what will work best for you. Please continue doing that. From there, all I can tell you is what I have in mine. I drive a nice big Tahoe, so I have lots of space for as large of a car kit as I want. Mine is in a big chest tote with wheels and a handle. Water : I have a Survivor Filter Pro, a small pot for boiling water, and about 6 gallons of water. Fire : Matches, a lighter, firestarters, a can of Sterno and a small backp...
Getting started, building, becoming a pro.